Less Bullsh!t, More Jesus

Let's be honest, regardless of where your religious beliefs lie, if you know anything about Jesus and what he stands for, you know that this world would be a better place if we subscribed to the philosophy of this blog title. 

I am a lover of Jesus, but I have been over churched.

After years of behavior modification as the focus for transforming my life and relationships, it was my undoing and my disbelief that lead me to an authentic version of myself and my faith.

Organized religion taught me that if you love God, there is a specific way to act. So, I acted accordingly to align myself with what I thought I believed. I was genuine in my pursuit. However, without realizing it, I was wandering around as if I was in a spiritual version of The Emperor's New Clothes. I followed the crowd in hopes that I would see what others were seeing.

After years of following protocol, I relaxed into a faith the was familiar but not transforming. The more life threw at me, the less effective my camouflage became. I came to a crisis of faith when I discovered my husband's sex addiction. (More on that later).  

As with most things in life, many of us can only handle so much BS before we reach an impasse regarding what we truly believe. It is here that we are confronted with the deep down, unspoken, gut wrenching truth, that only arises when we get completely stuck between what we know we should believe and what we really do. We can only handle so much, before we question everything in life, including our faith. 

Around the 5 year mark of wrestling with the credibility of my convictions, I was at a retreat when I was walking passed a woman who was sincerely praying out loud and repeatedly saying, "Less bullshit, more Jesus. Less bullshit, more Jesus".  

I laughed internally as I thought, "Now, SHE'S on to something".  That thought was immediately followed with, "Holy smokes! She is REALLY on to something".  All the years of trying so hard to perform my faith were stripped away in that overheard plea! This is where my belief system suffered a fatality and later a transformation. 

Could it be that simple?  


When I got to know heart of who Jesus was, is, it opened me up to experiencing an infallible love that no person could ever provide. And while life and people may still have a tendency to defecate in my direction, it doesn't change the simplicity of this faith filled proclamation; More of Jesus in this world, is a good thing. It's certainly better than the alternative.


Would You Do It Again?


A Side Of Fries Please